Statutes 1954

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Statutes of Association

“French center of the European Company of Culture”

Art.1.  II is formed in accordance with the provisions of the Law of July 1st, 1901 and the Decree of August 16th, 1901, a named association, “French Center of the European Company of Culture”.

Art.2. The purpose of this association is :

  1. to group the writers, the artists and the erudite men or women who are attached to the defense and the extension of the culture.
  2. to ensure the requirements the conservation and the development of the culture by means of periodic or different publications, of conferences, public meetings or private, artistic events or suitable shows in union with the similar organizations which continue the same ends abroad.

Art.3. The seat of association is in Paris 13 rue Jacob.

It could be transferred elsewhere by deliberation from the management committee of Association.

Art.4. The duration of Association is unlimited.

Art.5. Association groups only members of the European Company of Culture. It is composed regular members, members benefactors and members of honor. Any member of Association must be approved by the Management Committee. The regular members pour an annual contribution of 1,000 Fr ; the members benefactors, an annual contribution of 5,000 FR. the contributions can be repurchased by the payment of a sum of 10,000 Fr for the regular members and of a sum of 50,000 Fr for * the members benefactors. The members of honor are free from contribution.

Art.6. Lose their membership of Association :

  1. those which give their resignation by letter addressed to the President of the Management Committee.
  2. those whose Management Committee pronounces radiation either for defect of payment of the contribution six months after its expiry, or on serious grounds, after having heard their explanations.

Art.7. Association is managed by a Committee Management of 27 members elected by the General Assembly and renewable per third annually. Any outgoing member is re-eligible. The Committee understands : a president, two vice-presidents, a general secretary, a treasurer and 22 members without special attribution.

The Office, elected by the Management Committee, understands the five members in charge of the functions indicated above.

In the event of suspension of functions of a member of the Office ; it could be replaced by way of co-optation to the next General Assembly which will proceed to the final election. It will be the same for the possible replacement for a member for the Management Committee.

Art.8. The Management Committee meets by convocation of its president and of half of its members as often as the interest of Association requires it.

The deliberations are taken in the majority of the attending members. In the event of division, the voice of the president is dominating. The deliberations are noted by official reports registered on a special register and are signed of the president and the secretary.

Art.9. The General Assembly, made up of the regular members and the members benefactors, meets each time that is considered to be necessary by the Management Committee, at least each year, on convocation of the general secretary.

The assembly comes to a conclusion about the modifications to be made possibly to the statutes. She is briefing by the President of the moral situation of Association. She approves the accounts presented by the Treasurer. She carries out, after exhaustion of about a day, the replacement with the secret vote of the outgoing members of the Management Committee.

Art.10. If need be, or on request of half plus one of his members, the president can convene an Extraordinary general assembly, by addressing the convocation at least fifteen days before the date scheduled for this Parliament.

Art.11. The resources of Association are made up :

  1. by the contributions of its members.
  2. by the incomes of its goods.
  3. by the subsidies légales* which could be to him granted.

Art.12. In the event of dissolution pronounced by two thirds at least of the attending members, with the General Assembly, one or more liquidators are named by this one and the credit, if it is necessary, is reserved in accordance with article 9 of the law of July 1st, 1901 and with the decree of August 16th of the same year.





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