Become a member of the
European society of Culture

The french Center membership
The French Center of the S.E.C. is an association non-profit law of 1901 who lives through the contributions of its members. Your membership is vital. To join the french Center, just pay an annual fee of 50 € (of which a portion is donated to the international S.E.C.), amount possibly reducible for students and unemployed. This membership gives you access to the activities of the french Centre, especially at conferences. The french Center has about 100 members. He organizes every six weeks about, conferences on various themes but that every time correspond to the values and objectives of the SEC.[1]
Membership of the European society of culture (SEC)
As membership in the french Center, joining the SEC implies the knowledge and acceptance of the principles and rules contained in the statutes. It also requires the sponsorship of two members of the SEC. The final decision takes place either on the occasion of the biennial General Assembly when holding an Executive Council or by an act of the international Secretariat. The quality of Member of the SEC gives right to participate in general meetings, to vote when there is and be eligible for vacancies.